Global leaders are presented with an opportunity to increase taxes for affluent individuals like myself. I implore them to seize this opportunity. - Abigail Disney

The urgent need to tax the wealthy has become undeniable, as extreme wealth concentration poses a threat to global democracy and exacerbates environmental crises. With record-breaking temperatures and devastating climate events, it's imperative to fund mitigation efforts and green energy initiatives, especially since affluent individuals are disproportionately contributing to environmental degradation. Recent discussions among G20 finance ministers have highlighted the potential for a global minimum tax on billionaires, echoing calls from economists and activists worldwide. While progress is evident, challenges remain, including the ease with which the ultra-rich can evade taxes in an interconnected global economy. Instituting a global minimum tax, similar to the one established for multinational corporations, is feasible and crucial for addressing wealth inequality. Moreover, extreme wealth concentration undermines democratic institutions, as disenfranchised populations turn towards authoritarian leaders. Despite widespread public support for taxing the rich, significant voices, including that of the US treasury secretary, have yet to fully endorse this initiative. However, supporting international efforts to tax the wealthy would demonstrate a commitment to fairness and economic stability. As discussions unfold during the spring meetings, it's essential for the G20 to prioritize taxing the rich as a vital step towards environmental sustainability and safeguarding democracy. As a member of the Patriotic Millionaires, I urge world leaders to heed this call and take meaningful action. - Abigail Disney

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Member Phil White, Opinion Piece on Inequality for The Guardian